Friday, July 6, 2012

I just died and went to heaven aka Laos

Laos is already easily one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to (it rivals with Yosemite, but they are beautiful in different ways). It is similar to Thailand but much more raw and inhabited, the city of Luang Prabang is much smaller than Chiang Mai and has a great small town feel. We're staying at a place overlooking the Mekong River, and I swear I'm living in a fairy tale right now. Perfect vacation.
The boat ride here took two days and I still don't believe we did that. It was incredible. Most of the time I sat at the front of the boat on the bow or whatever it's called and just dangled my feet off the edge, no railings or anything to hold you back of course.. Welcome to Asia.
Anyway I'll eventually post more pics about the trip next week when I get back to Chiang Mai, I'm going to be sad to leave.

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