Thursday, July 26, 2012


Went on a 24 hour meditation retreat this week.. I had no idea what to expect so I went with an open mind and I really enjoyed the experience.
First of all, meditation is HARD. I have never tried it before, the closest I get is doing yoga, but I like to be moving. I still am not quite sure how to even explain it, and I am by all means no expert, but once you start to get the hang of it a little, it's pretty cool. I finally reached a point the second day where I sat cross legged, closing my eyes, counting my buddhist prayer beads, and didn't realize til I was done that 30 minutes had gone by. Now, if you're just sitting there doing nothing, 30 minutes can feel like forever. It was really neat to experience just a glimpse of meditation is, and nonetheless, from a buddhist monk, which by the way, he was way awesome.
There were 20 or so of us, most people I did not know, but it was great to get to know them and have fun, when we didn't have to be silent in the meditating and eating room. Or when we weren't dead tired from waking up at 5 am.. to meditate.. aka I chose the lying down position and slept for a bit (yes there is a lying down meditation position, also sitting, standing, and walking).
It was a fulfilling experience that I would recommend to anyone. I have always had an appreciation for religions and other ways to practice or live our lives, but I now look at Buddhism and monks in a new way - more respectful due to my first hand experience into a tiny glimpse of their humble lives.

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