Tuesday, July 31, 2012

the summer of all summers

I'm almost done packing, and tomorrow afternoon I leave Chiang Mai. Seems unreal, to be honest. It probably won't hit me that I've left until after I'm home. I've never felt such an intense mix of emotions - grateful for the incredible people I've met, the experiences I've had, torn that I have to leave, yet I'm still getting excited to see my family and friends back in the states.

I will certainly miss my dear city, Chiang Mai. Although tomorrow I leave for the southern beaches of Thailand (and I know it will be a blast), it still stings to leave. My very first day here I was extremely homesick, culture shock hit hard. I figured I'd learn to really enjoy it here, but I did not expect to love it this much. I am forever grateful for every single experience out here, and the internship as a whole. I have learned so much more than I could have in a classroom, in my blessed air conditioned home, my comfort zone. If you are debating doing anything that scares you a little, I say DO IT. You will be rewarded with so much more than you could ever imagine. Get out of your comfort zone, that's where living truly begins.

Well, I'll keep this short and include a few pictures from my last few days in my beloved city.

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